Hack Potsdam

Hosted by SUNY Potsdam's ACM and Clarkson University's COSI

I'm going to Hack Potsdam to

What is Hack Potsdam?

Hack Potsdam is a 24-hour student-run hackathon where over a large number people meet to engage in collaborative computer programming by working one project with a team for the duration of the event. Hack Potsdam is open to all matriculated students over 18, alumni, and professors. The event is free to attend, and we will be serving food throughout the entire event to participants.

Share Ideas

Bring an idea that you have and form a team or go solo. You'll be able to pitch your idea to everyone at the event kickoff.

Form Teams

Teams form organically around the ideas that are shared. Other than what type of pizza to eat, this is one of the more challenging decisions.

Build Projects

You'll be surprised what you create at the end of the event. Walk away with a great experience and something you can show off.

Win Prizes

After 24 hours of hard work, you'll present your projects. Judges will then select 3 winners to take home some awesome prizes.

Who is Hosting Hack Potsdam?

Hack Potsdam is a joint event hosted by SUNY Potsdam’s ACM and Clarkson University's COSI. Both clubs aim to connect students with a passion for technology. The event is held at SUNY Potsdam in the Fall, and Clarkson University in the spring. Hack Potsdam fuels cross-collaboration and innovation between schools.

Events We Host

We host awesome events twice a year.

Spring 2017

3/4 - 3/5

105 Participants

10 Projects

Fall 2016

9/17 - 9/18

49 Participants

5 Projects

We're official partners with MLH

We have partnered with Major League Hacking (MLH), the official student hackathon league. They help to power over 200 events all around the world with a network of 65,000 hackers. Check them out at mlh.io/event-membership, or check out a video on how they empower student run hackathons.

Our Story

See how it all got started.

  • Fall 2016

    First Hack Potsdam

    After the ACM President, Jesse, had been to Hack Upstate, he had the crazy idea to help bring one to Potsdam. With the tremendous help of the e-board members and a lot of other people we can't fit on this line to thank, that crazy idea came to life.

  • Spring 2017

    The Collaboration Continues

    With the wild success of the first hackathon, SUNY Potsdam's ACM and Clarkson's COSI decide to collaborate on the spring iteration of the event.

Major League Hacking 2017 Hackathon Season