Hack Potsdam

Hosted by the SUNY Potsdam ACM

Saturday - Sunday | September 17th - 18th
SUNY Potsdam, Fireside Lounge


Being our first hackathon, we didn't have any sponsors or judges. SUNY Potsdam also didn't partner with Clarkson for this event. This hackathon was early in the semester so that students would have a project to talk about at the Clarkson Career Fair and SUNY Potsdam Networking Panel. The ACM was also congratulated by the Dean of Arts and Sciences here at Potsdam for the success of the event.


Participants Attended

33 Potsdam students, 6 Potsdam alumni, 10 Clarkson students


In Prizes Won

4 x $25 Amazon gift cards given out

Sponsors and Donators

We didn't have any sponsors for this event


We gave out $100 in Amazon Gift Cards to students at random.


We didn't have any judges at this event!

Judging Criteria

We didn't have criteria for judging at this event.


This is what you can expect over the span of 24 hours.

Saturday, March 4
  • Doors Open11:00 AM

  • Introductions and Kickoff12:00 Noon - 12:30 PM

  • Idea Pitching12:30 Noon - 1:00 PM

  • Team Formation1:00 PM

  • Lunch3:00 PM

  • Dinner7:00 PM

Sunday, March 5
  • Breakfast9:00 AM

  • Stop hacking, Submit Projects11:00 AM

  • Demo Intro11:00 AM

  • Project Presentations11:30 AM - 12:30 PM


Questions? Check our the full list of FAQ's for Spring 2017 here. If you still have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

View our FAQ's

Our Amazing Team, 2016 - 2017

These people allow this event to take place twice a year.

Jesse Peplinski

SUNY Potsdam / President

Garry Griggs

SUNY Potsdam / Vice President

Zaki Lindo

SUNY Potsdam / Treasurer

Matt Coupal

SUNY Potsdam / Secretary

Greg Hughes

SUNY Potsdam / Public Relations

Major League Hacking 2017 Hackathon Season